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Vervolg literatuur


- Amouretti, M.-CL. & G. Comet (red.), Artisanat et Matériaux: la place des matériaux dans l'histoire des techniques. (l'Université de Provence), 1998. [251 blz.] ["A collection essays on craftsmen and materials in the Medieval period based on iconographical, archaeological and ethnographical evidence. The raw materials discussed include wood, leather, clay and stone, and the topics include the making of purple, goatskins, Etruscan mirrors, machines of war and engeneers"]. [Lit.verm.: Oxbow Books, Oxford: Catalogus 'Medieval World' 2000-2001, blz. 51)

- Helfrich, K. & J.F. Benders & W.A. Casparie (red.), Handzaam hout uit Groninger grond. Houtgebruik in de historische stad. Groningen, 1995. [Literatuurvermelding uit catalogus Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht]